Air Compressors / Dryers. This gap bed engine lathe has a 40″ bed and a 17″ swing, 25 with the gap removed. Spindle bore is 2-1/16 with a spindle speed of 32-1800 RPM. Equipped with 5 HP, 220-440 VAC motor. Manufactured date of 9/79 by Whacheon Machinery. Includes a 6-jaw self-centering chuck, tool post, foot brake, and coolant system, but no tooling. Ways appear to be in good condition. All items are offered as “Used-As-Is”. This does not mean that the item does not work, it just means that we have not run this item in production ourselves and we don’t have the expertise to thoroughly test it. If you can’t come see the item yourself, then let us know what additional information or photos you need in order to make your decision and we will do our best to get it to you. Further Terms and Conditions of Sale can be viewed below. If your item requires special skidding or crating then it may take a few days to prepare. If one of us is on-line after hours and knows the answers to your questions then we will respond right away. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. S RESPONSIBILITY AND INDEMNITY. It shall be Purchaser? S invoice or acknowledgement will become part of that invoice or acknowledgement. Whenever a term defined by the Uniform Commercial Code is used herein, the definition contained in the Code shall control. Any variation from the terms hereof contained in Purchasers acceptance is hereby rejected. The Agreement of which these terms are a part can be modified or rescinded only by writing signed by both parties or their duly authorized agents. Any agreement of which these Terms are a part shall be governed by, construed and administered in accordance with, the laws of Kentucky. Jefferson County will be the sole and exclusive venue for any litigation or other proceedings between the parties which may be brought or arise out of or in connection with or by reason of this Agreement. If any provision of any agreement of which these Terms are a part is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part, such invalidity shall not affect any otherwise valid provision, and all other valid provisions shall remain in full force and effect. These terms and conditions of sale and any agreement, of which they are part, shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Kentucky. All quotations are made for immediate acceptance and are subject to withdrawal, change and prior sales without notice. THE REMEDY HEREBY PROVIDED SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE AND SOLE REMEDY OF PURCHASER. ANY RIGHT TO CONSEQUENTIAL AND INCIDENTAL DAMAGES IS EXCLUDED. TIME FOR BRINGING ACTION. Any action by Purchaser for breach of any agreement of which these Terms are a part shall be commenced within one year after the cause of action has accrued. Purchaser agrees to warn of all possible hazards, INCLUDING CEPHALOSPORIN, to any persons to whom Purchaser resells, contributes, or delivers the Articles, or to any person who may be exposed to their hazards. S part shall be deemed to limit this broad warning. For more great equipment!